Japanese Association of Orthodontists


October 13th (Mon)

19:00 to 20:30 Reception (Sakura-no-Ma) Japanese-Style Room
: Limited seating of 100 guests
19:30 to 21:30   Film Concert: "Kobukuro" (120 mins.)

October 14th (Tue)

Main Hall (SMC Convention Hall - Room L)

9:00 Reception
9:45 Opening Ceremony
10:00 to 11:40 Committee Program:
Social Care Committee, Medical Management Committee,
Public Relations Committee
12:00 to 13:20 Luncheon Seminar (Explanatory meeting for trading firms)
13:30 to 16:00 Special Lecture
(1)"An Approach to Corrective Orthodontics for Adults
with the Use of Periodontal Drug Therapy"
Lecturer:Doctor Kazuhiro Gomi,
Assistant Professor - Department of Periodontics and Endodontics,
Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine
(2) "Corrective Orthodontics for Adults as Seen
from a Periodontal Pathologic Perspective"
Lecturer: Doctor Satoru Urano, Urano Dental Clinic
16:10 to 16:40 Q & A Session
17:00 to 17:45 Guest Lecture "Principles of the New JAO Executive Office"
Lecturer: Doctor Shigemi Goto,
Chairperson - Japanese Orthodontic Society
18:00 to 19:30 Convivial Party: Buffet-Style - 220 guests, Location: SMC "Kikyou"
20:00 to 22:00 JAZZ Concert, Hiroko Kokubu
(Seats with tables for 200 people: paid event)
Autograph Session - Location: SMC "M"

Presentation Hall (SMC Convention Hall)

9:00 to 10:00 Preparations for Presentations
10:00 to 17:45 Academic Presentation (Room S), Case Presentation (Room S),
Presentation for Trading Firms (Room L + Foyer)

Staff Hall (Conference Center, Rooms A, B, and C)

10:00 to 12:00 RTD is Scheduled: Doctor Yasue Nunoshiba (Psychology)
Subject not Determined (Social Care Committee in charge)
: Handled by Doctor Tominaga
14:00 to 16:00 (1) Lecture: Servicing, Response Seminar (under consideration)
(2) Makeup Seminar (Pias Cosmetics) is scheduled

Film Concert: Free (SMC Mezzanine "Kiku")

16:00 to 17:30 Yutaka Ozaki Live Show (90 mins.)
19:30 to 21:20 ZARD Live Show (110 mins.)

October 15th (Wed)

Main Hall (SMC Convention Hall - Room L)

9:00 Reception
9:30 to 11:30 Business Session
11:30 to 12:00 Lecture by Guests from Overseas Dr. Hsin-Kuang Chen(Taiwan)
(handled by Negotiation Committee)
14:00 to 15:30 Encore Case Announcement
15:30 to 15:45 Closing Ceremony

Presentation Hall (SMC Convention Hall)

9:00 to 15:45 Academic Presentation (Room S), Case Presentation (Room S),
Presentation for Trading Firms (Room L + Foyer)
11:00 to 12:00 Academic Presentation Q & A Session
15:45 to 16:00 Clearing Away Presentations

Film Concert: Free (SMC Mezzanine "Kiku")

9:30 to 11:30 Takuro Yoshida & Kaguyahime in "Tsumagoi" - Parts 1 & 2 (113 mins.)
12:30 to 13:40 Takuro Yoshida & Kaguyahime in "Tsumagoi" - Parts 3 & 4 (70 mins.)
14:00 to 15:30 Takuro Yoshida & Kaguyahime in "Tsumagoi" - Part 5 (90 mins.)