I am honored to have been selected as the 25th President of the Japanese Association of Orthodontists.
The Japanese Association of Orthodontists was founded in 1973 and has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary at a special meeting in Fukuoka, Japan on February 21st and 22nd of this year. Let me take this opportunity to thank all of the individuals and organizations that have helped our association to grow and achieve its goals.
The achievements and relationships build up over these past 50 years are a valuable treasure for the Japanese Association of Orthodontists. As we build on these wonderful achievements and relationships, I look forward to playing a role in passing our heritage to the next generation of young orthodontists who will carry us into the future.
It is my goal to ensure that we continue providing the outstanding care and improved quality of life that orthodontics makes possible by promoting the highest level of professional standards and leading-edge research as we strive to maintain the trust we have built with the society we serve.
I am committed to serving the association and the larger world of orthodontics over my term as President of the Japanese Association of Orthodontists and look forward with excited anticipation to the growth of both as we move together into the future.
1954 Born in Kokura, Kita Kyushu City,
1979 Graduates from Fukuoka Dental College
1979 Kyushu University, Faculty of Dental Science, Department of Orthodontics
1984 Opens Hajime Suyama Orthodontic Office (Miyazaki City, Japan)
2023 Establishes Medical Corporation Kagayaki
Medical Corporation Kagayaki, Chief Director
Kyushu Orthodontic Society Board of Directors (Director of International Relations)
Honorary Member, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists and Taiwan Orthodontic Society
About JpAO
JpAO is the only association in Japan of private practitioners specializing only in orthodontics. We have approximately 450 members who have studied orthodontics in graduate school or authorized postgraduate orthodontic programs. Members are experienced, skillful, professional orthodontists providing high quality treatment and care to patients.
JpAO aims to develop public awareness about orthodontics while at the same time providing a professional network for private practitioners of orthodontics in Japan.
In 2023, we commemorated our 50th anniversary. We are committed to continued hard work in our communities and to establish the field of orthodontics as a dental specialization.
What we do
Since public education and awareness of oral health and related psycho-social issues are the cornerstones of JpAO, we conduct patient education seminars on topics such as the benefits of a good smile and dental health. We also run an annual nationwide Brace Smile Contest. This contest has proven popular and is extending beyond Japan, to Korea and Taiwan through the Korean Society of Orthodontists (KSO) in 2015 and the Taiwan Association of Orthodontists (TAO) in 2016.
JpAO provides lectures and a journal to improve knowledge and clinical skills in the field of orthodontics. We also conduct several conferences and meetings towards this aim.
In February JpAO holds an annual conference on scientific and clinical themes; while the June annual meeting focuses on the business aspects of practice management.
The Conference Planning Committee and the Board have been busy planning our annual conference, which will be held Feb 16-17, 2022 in Sapporo, Hokkaido and Feb 21-22, 2023 in Fukuoka.
Details on upcoming conference schedules, registration, and opportunities for sponsorship will be posted online soon.
Patient transfer support
For relocating patients - domestically or internationally - JpAO can also provide assistance. In order to provide high quality service to patients, our nationwide network makes it easy to facilitate the smooth transfer of patients when relocation is necessary. We also support systematic treatment fee transfer or refund to ensure the transition is done agreeably for both doctors and patients.
We have also added socially responsible programs to our line up. This includes online consultations for those under going treatment and the provision of financial assistance to orthodontic patients for those affected by the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
Please join us!
Thank you again to the members of JpAO. Each member is important in achieving JpAOfs mission. As we move the organization forward, I extend an invitation to each of you to become involved in JpAO through active participation in our conferences, seminars and committees.
I am looking forward to another rewarding year of service to JpAO with each of you.